we have seriously no idea what to name this blog.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

to all dota junkies out there

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Polaris: penny for your thoughts, but a dollar for your insides

Live Earth 2007.



Seriously, do you think it would really achieve its purpose?
I dare bet a million bucks that at least half of them promoting the concert couldn't care less about global warming.

Seriously, if you were really concerned, you wouldn't be wearing green.

You'd be busy trying to save paper instead of doodling all over.
You'd be making every effort to stop pollution, stop the release of CFCs, doing your part by using less styrofoam packages but that's impossible, looking at how many people 'dar bao' their food in styrofoam containers.
You'd be busy trying to recycle, not throw things away all the time.

You'd be filling up the damned recycling bins, man.

So, just think before the next time you say 'wear green!' or 'WHEE! LIVE EARTH 2007!', what you've done to really play your part in the fight against global warming.

Spreading the word? Really?

Are you just mouthing what others are mouthing, or are you actually following what you say, and practice what you preach?

I bet that after the concert itself, most people would just forget about global warming issues and return to their normal lives, maybe recalling moments from the performances, but missing out on the true message, defeating the purpose of the whole concert itself.

P.S, wouldn't it be ironic if the concert itself consumed so much energy that the depletion of resources would be accelerated?

Picture this: millions worldwide simultaneously switching on their television sets, then suddenly a major worldwide blackout. Hah.

Ironies in life.

Fucking hypocrites, die bitches, die.

'Cos that's the only way for Earth to Live. People won't give a damn, it's inevitable.

God save the queen, but what about the Earth?

Good Game, Good Night.